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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/04/07
Selectmen Present                                                       In Attendance
Dr. William Darke                                                        Greg Labrecque – Finance Director
Bette Gorski                                                                 Dick Sciacca – Town Clerk
                                                                                      William Nicora
                                                                                        Richard Edelman
Meeting called to order at 9:45 A.M.

Motion by Bette Gorski to approve deduct warrant 07-44A for $18,639.26
Seconded by Dr. Darke
Motion passed 2-0

With the Town Clerk present, Selectman Gorski stated that she had spoken with Mr. Harry Petrucci of the Secretary of State’s Office who informed her that under Mass. General Law Chapter 41, Section 19 we should look for ways to avoid potential conflict of interest issues when an elected Town Clerk has an opponent in an election.

Mr. Sciacca was concerned who would look up voter eligibility problems if no Clerk was available to assist them. Ms. Gorski stated that she had tried to contact other Town’s to see if any of their clerks staff was available to help us for this election. Mr. Sciacca also stated that he felt if he was removed it would send the impression that he cannot run a fair election.

Dr. Darke asked if any staff from another Town was available and Ms. Gorski stated that she could only find the former Groveland Town Clerk, Dick Abbott, who was willing to assist us. Dr. Darke stated that we should have Mr. Abbott work the election with the Town Clerk sop as to show that we were trying to do the right thing an avoid any potential conflicts that may arise. Ms. Gorski agreed and it was so voted.

Motion by Bette Gorski to have former Clerk Dick Abbott work the May 7, 2007 annual election with the current Town Clerk as an overseer.
Seconded by Dr. Darke
Motion passed 2-0

Motion to adjourn at 10:35 A.M. by Bette Gorski
Seconded by Dr. Darke
Motion passed 2-0

Respectfully submitted,